Exploring the emotional fallout of a child’s abduction not only on the family but on the wider community, this gripping relationship thriller is told over two time frames and two countries. Stars James Nesbett.
The Flying Colour Company’s creative director Dominic Thomson provided onset VFX supervision in Belgium, overseeing key sequences as well as shooting some elements. He then used Flame and Smoke to create set and sky replacements and to create and add falling as well as laid snow and rain elements, shadows and reflections. Local Belgian signs, vehicles and posters were changed to French equivalents.
Other tasks included prosthetic enhancements, gun shots, removing motion from characters, enhancing sets with elements such as barbed wire and creating breath to emulate cold conditions. Various paint outs were also completed ranging from people to yachts.
The job called for the numerous multi-layered complex composites for key scenes.