The Flying Colour Company proudly contributed to the latest Amazon Prime show – “Fifteen Love,” with the director Toby McDonald bringing light on the behind-the-scenes challenges. In an exclusive...
We are excited to share our work on This Town! Our team at The Flying Colour Company poured our skills into every part of this series, from supervising on...
Extraordinary S2 Our team provided VFX for the entire series, as well as on-set supervision. It was a fun adventure, letting our creative team run wild to bring each...
Exciting news from The Flying Colour Company! Today is the premiere of our newest show, “OneDay,” on Netflix. Following Emma and Dexter after a fateful graduation night, their intertwined...
Drumroll, please! We’re so happy to share some incredible news: Three of our shows at The Flying Colour Company just won big at the Bulldog Awards 2023! In the...