Series five of Steven Knight’s crime family saga finds the world thrown into turmoil by the financial crash of 1929. Opportunity and misfortune are everywhere. When Tommy Shelby MP (Cillian Murphy) is approached by a charismatic politician with a bold vision for Britain, he realises that his response will affect not just his family’s future but that of the entire nation. Peaky Blinders is one of the top BBC dramas for 16-34s, and has grown series on series; series four increased its 16-34 audience by 56% from series three.
Explosion elements were added to a number of sequences, utilising multiple plates with 3D passes including fireballs that were built in-house. For one of these sequences, a time-warp effect was added to footage of a child falling to replicate a slow-motion effect.
Another significant task was the creation of up to 25 layers of crowd replication to fill an empty auditorium. Additionally, TFCC assisted with numerous atmosphere additions, costume fixes and cosmetic work on actors, particularly for the prosthetics used on Winston Churchill, and head replacement of a stand-in actress.
TFCC was also responsible for removing modern background imagery in one thirty-second continuous moving shot, achieved through a mixture of DMP, and the addition of CGI elements such as a gasometer (also built in-house). Well-known Birmingham landmarks, like the Bullring market, were also brought to life with moving elements, including cars and chimney smoke.