Drama series about a new academy school that merges the lives and cultures of a community. For series 3, the school is now part of a large multi-academy trust. Mandy has a new nightmare boss Ken who has dumped a load of unmanageable kids from the trust’s other schools on to her. Along with a suspect ‘A-team’ of senior staff, joining the school are new hot-headed Deputy Head Martin and disenchanted Director of Behaviour Sue Carp. As Ackley’s Year 13 pupils enter their final year they all face questions about their future. Will Nas get to Oxford? Will Kaneez and Rashid take things to the next level? What will happen with Sadiq? Only one thing’s for sure: at Ackley Bridge, nothing is certain.
TFCC created a key car crash sequence to give the effect of Nasreen and Missy being hit by a car. Other fundamental sequences included character freezes, picture enhancements, signage updates and various clean up shots. TFCC provided on-set supervision to gather the elements needed to accommodate these scenes.